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Fair and Progressive Employers in the Midst of Challenging Times

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25 January 2022, Singapore - Since the COVID-19 outbreak, the employment landscape had been in topsy turvy with employers trying to sustain their businesses, while keeping their employees safe and gainfully employed. The Tripartite Alliance Award (TAA) 2021 ceremony, organised by the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP), recognised 21 organisations and six individuals for their fair and progressive employment practices and keeping their employees at the heart of their businesses. Hear from Go-Ahead Singapore, TAA winner of the Age Inclusive Practices category, on how they develop and retain their older workers.

Real-time monitoring system helps Go-Ahead Singapore keep their buses in top form

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2 August 2021, Singapore - Every night, Loyang Bus Depot is a hive of activity. As the more than 450 buses in Go-Ahead Singapore's fleet return after service, the bus operator's maintenance crew goes to work checking the vehicles so they are fit for use the next day. About 15 to 20 buses are inspected head-to-toe daily as part of a 28-day maintenance cycle - a process that would have previously involved tasks such as manually checking the air pressure of each tyre, and manually recording mileage readings. But a vehicle health monitoring system installed across Go-Ahead's fleet last year has eliminated the need for such menial work.


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18 March 2021, Singapore - 谈到当巴士车长的初衷,邹佩君说,小时候看母亲开那么大的车,觉得她很厉害,同时也好奇母亲为何能在这一行一干就是25年。


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10 September 2017, Singapore - 巴士外包模式推出一年来,巴士服务获得明显改善。 而政府接下来还将拨款40亿元, 进一步提升公共巴士服务。专家指出,如果要确保外包模式可持续运作, 政府和业者仍需加大力度, 在大数据和科技方面下功夫。