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Have some questions?

Here are a few commonly-asked questions we have received.

If your questions are not answered here, feel free to contact us!

Before Boarding

With the move towards colouring all buses Lush Green, how would i know which are operated by Go-Ahead Singapore?

Spot our distinct logo at the sides and back of our buses, depicting a lion’s head and bearing the name Go-Ahead Singapore. Our Bus Captains are dressed in vibrant red uniforms with a yellow strip down the sides, you certainly will not miss spotting them.

This is my first time travelling on a public bus, what do I need to know?

Welcome! You’ll be pleased to find all the information you require, such as how fares are calculated, how to use a stored value card or what to do in an event of a breakdown on the Transitlink website.

The bus that I intend to board is already approaching the bus stop, do I still need to flag it down?

Our Bus Captains are briefed to slow down when approaching the bus stop and are required to stop for commuter boarding activity if they see any person flagging for the bus. As there may be more than one service calling at the same bus stop, signalling your intention to board early will be helpful for the Bus Captain to take notice and pull into the bus stop.

Your buses sometimes arrive ahead or behind schedule, why do they not adhere to the scheduled arrival times stipulated at bus stops?

Schedules are planned based on usual traffic conditions throughout the day, however these can vary frequently with exceptionally smooth or congested roads. Our control centre personnel are regularly communicating with Bus Captains to regulate speed and avoid bus bunching or a long headway, this sometimes results in the buses deviating from their scheduled arrival times.

Why do certain bus service numbers end with the letter A or B?

These services, for example 17A, represent short working trips which are supplementary trips introduced to facilitate the high demand sectors along a particular route. For any service exceeding one short trip along the same route, it will be differentiated with the next alphabet, B.

I ran after a bus today but the Bus Captain did not allow me to board although he saw me trying to catch the bus, why is this so?

It is compulsory for all our Bus Captains to stop the bus and allow commuters to board if they can see commuters approaching and the bus is still positioned within the bus bay.

It is important to note that when a bus is preparing to exit the bus bay, the Bus Captain must focus on watching out for oncoming vehicles. When doing this, the Bus Captain may not notice commuters approaching as their concentration is on pulling out of the bus bay safely.

For safety reasons, Bus Captains have been advised not to stop for alighting or boarding activity if the bus has already moved out of the bus bay, even if it is still within the bus lane. Commuters are strongly advised to avoid running after a bus but instead wait for the arrival of the next bus, for their own personal safety.

During Commute

I have boarded the bus and plan to alight just a few bus stops away, it will be easier for me if I stand near the doors, why should I move in to the rear of the bus?

Failure to move in to the rear of the bus will create unnecessary congestion at the entrance and exit areas, preventing other commuters from boarding. This not only causes inconvenience to others, it will also lead to a delay in bus schedule as the Bus Captain will need to stop and appeal to those on board to move in.

I am commuting with my young child and have taken an open pram/stroller along, where should I place this on the bus?

An open pram/stroller must be placed in the designated wheelchair space, with its brakes and safety restraint applied, where available.

Open prams are not permitted along the aisle, the upper deck or any position that obstructs the entrance and exit doors.

Passengers-in-wheelchairs are given priority to utilise the designated wheelchair space. In the event that an open pram/stroller is occupying the spot, the Bus Captain will request for the open pram/stroller to be folded.

Parents/caregivers are fully responsible for the safety of their child on board the bus and are advised to hold onto the open pram/stroller throughout their journey.

I have cycled to the bus stop and brought my foldable bicycle on board, could I ask what are the key rules to observe in doing so?

Commuters are permitted to bring their foldable bicycles and personal mobility devices (PMD) of up to 120cm by 70cm by 40cm onboard buses. Please observe the size limit, switch off/fold the device and cover all dirty wheels as well as protruding parts. Only one foldable bicycle or PMD is allowed on a bus at all times.

I tapped my fare card upon boarding but the Bus Captain requested for me to tap again, why is this so?

As an effort to prevent fare evasion, a Bus Captain may request for commuters to tap their fare cards again to ensure that the cards have been successfully read by the card reader. Public Transport Officials conduct random checks during service trips and commuters who have not successfully tapped in their fare cards may face a penalty fee.

I am standing by the exit door and have already tapped out my fare card on the card reader. It is obvious that I will be alighting at the next bus stop, do I still need to press the bell?

Bus Captains are fully focused on the road when driving and may not be aware of commuters’ movement onboard the bus, unless alerted.

If not already indicated, the bell should be pressed once to signal any intention of alighting. This will provide the Bus Captain with ample time to react and safely pull into the bus stop.

A Bus Captain turned off the engines and air-conditioning when leaving the bus for a toilet break during a service trip, is this common practice?

Breaks are specifically scheduled on selected bus service routes to provide Bus Captains with a suitable place and time to visit the toilet enroute, before continuing the service trip.

There are times when Bus Captains experience severe discomfort and may require using the toilet urgently. In such cases, they will stop the vehicle in a safe spot and take a short toilet break.

Considering safety and security reasons, Bus Captains have been briefed to turn off the engine when leaving the bus. Furthermore, an idling vehicle engine wastes fuel and causes air pollution. When the engine is switched off, both doors must be left open to provide adequate ventilation.

I would need to nurse my child while travelling, could I do so?

For the safety of the mother and her accompanying child, we strongly encourage breastfeeding before travel. However, we understand that the child may need to be fed on any part of the public transport network under certain urgent circumstances. If this is the case, we advise the mother to notify our colleagues for assistance to use the private facilities at our Pasir Ris and Punggol bus interchanges for this purpose.

After Alighting

How do I request for a refund when my fare has been incorrectly deducted?

Please file your claim through the Transitlink website, or call 1800-2255 663 for more information on the refund procedure.

I have a question that has not been answered here, is there anyone I can speak to about it?

Yes, we would be pleased to hear from you. Please give our customer service team a call at 1800 812 6469 anytime between 7.30am to 8pm daily. Alternatively, you can leave your feedback or enquiry through our feedback form.

Helping Hand Scheme

The Helping Hand Scheme

For more information about the Helping Hand scheme, visit the page here.