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Yearly Archives


Route Amendment – Bus Service 84

By 2023, Announcements
Service 84 will be amended to ply Northshore Drive and New Punggol Road to serve the new BTO precincts and provide residents with direct connectivity to Punggol MRT and local amenities. The amended Service 84 will call at two new bus stops towards New Punggol Road, and two new bus stops towards Punggol Bus Interchange / MRT station. Service 84 will be further amended to serve Punggol Digital District when it is completed.

Go-Ahead新加坡同慈光学校合作 推广更具包容性通勤体验

By News
8 November 2023, Singapore - 配合今年的爱心通勤周活动,本地公共巴士业者Go-Ahead新加坡同特别教育学校合作,向公众推广更具包容性的通勤体验。Go-Ahead新加坡同慈光学校(Metta School)首次合作,分别在白沙和榜鹅巴士转换站张贴由慈光学校老师设计的海报,籍此向乘客推广具包容性的通勤体验。